In 2013, together with Marc Küsters (drummer and director of the “rhythm & groove factory in Kleve), José started the “rhythmtoolsfactory”. In cooperation with a professional programming team, creative educational apps with an attractive design are developed for use in the classroom and for practicing.
iPlay Cajon

iPlay Cajon - Drum Grooves Collection is a coaching app helping you to learn playing the Cajon from the start. By simple and comprehensible explanations, videos showing posture and playing technique, exercising and notation, you will get smooth access to learning to play the Cajon.
The numerous drumgrooves of various styles are supported by more than 40 playalong loops featuring piano and bass lines.
All exercises and groove can be practice with a practice tracker, which records your progress and performance evaluation in a statistics database.
The numerous drumgrooves of various styles are supported by more than 40 playalong loops featuring piano and bass lines.
All exercises and groove can be practice with a practice tracker, which records your progress and performance evaluation in a statistics database.

The DrumFill app helps to get ideas for fill-ins while playing drums, expand them and bring them to perfection. Using the built-in metronome you can learn to control and improve your timing from 40 to 220 bpm. And if nothing at all comes to your mind on the drumset, a random fill generator will create new fills for you.

With the Rudiment app you always have all 40 snare drum rudiments in your pocket, allowing you to practice them and bring them to perfection. The app features a playback mode to play the rudiments and has a built-in metronome with which you can learn to control and improve your timing from 40 to 220 bpm.
Latin Timbales
Kleinpercussion Spielen
Kleinpercussion Spielen
Spielanleitung für die gängigsten Klein-Percussion-Instrumente (für Musiker, Musiklehrer und Orchestermusiker)
Latin Timbales
In diesem Lehrbuch werden zahlreiche traditionelle und moderne Rhythmen und die Spieltechniken der Timbales vermittelt. Dazu gibt es etliche Tipps zum besseren Verständnis des Claves und der Salsa-Musik
Sheet Music
Cajon Ensemble
Cajones playing together in an ensemble setting is a music form which has for the most part been unexplored. However, in my Shop you will find the following music pieces, composed by myself, for cajon ensemble.
Percussion Ensemble
Ensemble music has continued to gain in importance, one reason being the broadened scope of studies at schools and music schools. This development can be observed in all departments. The wide range of Latin-Percussion instruments create the perfect conditions for musical interaction. The different sounds and modes of playing and the variations in the instrumentation offer a nearly infinite number of ways, with which musical interaction can occur.
My own, modern compositions for Percussion Ensemble can be found in my Shop
My own, modern compositions for Percussion Ensemble can be found in my Shop